



THE ADVANTAGES OF FOODBIOTIC : - CAVIAR CRAFTSMAN able to offer you a unique caviar thanks to a tailor-made refining process - SHORT FILING for a constant control of the conditions and duration of breeding of the sturgeons in order to guarantee an optimal quality of caviar - SELECTION OF HIGH QUALITY CAVIAR, with unequalled flavors - CSR APPROACH ORIGIN : - 3 main sources: Iran, France, Italy SUPERIOR QUALITY : - 1 single priority: quality (attention to the conditions and duration of sturgeon farming) - 5 sturgeons : Beluga Imperial, Osciètre Prestige, Baeri Royal, Transmontanus, Amur Royal Gold CHARACTERISTICS : - Medium size, firm or melting texture, length in the mouth, iodine/marine/hazelnut/dried fruit notes depending on the species STORAGE : - 20 to 1000g -2°C and +4°C. - To be consumed within 48 hours after opening. - Best eaten with a mother-of-pearl or wooden spoon, in small quantities, alone or with toasted bread or blini.

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