Summer Truffle (Tuber Aestivum)

Summer Truffle (Tuber Aestivum)



Less known than the black truffle, the summer truffle or Tuber Aestivum is a gastronomic gem with a delicate flavour and aroma. It grows alongside the roots of trees in the Mediterranean forests anywhere between 200 and 1,000 metres above sea level, without requiring soils as demanding as the Perigord, in terms of humidity and soil composition. Dark on the outside and with a pronounced pyramidal bark, its main difference from the Tuber Melanosporum, black truffle, lies on the inside, which is cream-coloured with hazel tones. The summer truffle is harvested between May and September, although the most precious examples are those found at the end of August, which is when it reaches its optimum ripeness with all its particular characteristics. However, at the end of June and during the month of July you can already enjoy quality truffles.

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