Whole Black Truffle (Preserved Truffle)

Whole Black Truffle (Preserved Truffle)



Authentic canned whole winter truffle. We bring the winter black truffle to life to make sure that it is available to you every month of the year. Keep canned truffles stored on your shelves, if you have a slow day in the kitchen and want to add umami to your dishes, open the can and quickly add them to fresh pasta, make sauces or place slices on top of toast. If you only use part of the truffle, put it in the fridge until you need it again. With Laumont canned whole winter truffles you are buying real truffles. Inside the tin, you’ll find small whole truffles naturally reduced, with their own juice released by cooking, and a pinch of salt. All ingredients are natural. Free of chemical flavours and aromas.

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