Sauces in bars

Sauces in bars



Curry roux preparation for busy cooks who want to eat healthy and tasty food. For the first time made in France and organically! Simply add to your vegetable, meat, fish or tofu preparation. The guarantee of a healthy, family-friendly, easy-to-make dish for busy cooks! Our Sauce au Carré is a concentrate of flavours made from healthy and tasty organic ingredients. This recipe has been carefully thought out to suit and please all Western audiences. It is also the possibility of making a thousand different recipes because it goes well with everything: meat, fish, vegetables, starches, tofu... Vegan - gluten-free - reduced salt - no flavour enhancers or saturated fats. Gold Trophy for Organic Innovation at 2020 Natexpo fair Also adopted in restaurants in 2x100g trays, or 4kg plastic buckets. And for domestic use, in 5 portions - 90 G.
Launch date
Sirha Green Awards

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