

The best solution to zero waste is bulk. But with powdered spices, it can have some limitations: loss of flavour, leftovers in the silos, messy... As a specialist in flavours and cuisines of the world for nearly 30 years, Aromandise is committed to a global corporate approach that tends towards the most responsible offer possible, throughout its production chain, with carbon compensation until neutrality and a social charter. CelloCompost© is an eco-designed cabinet that gathers 42 organic spices and herbs in bags that can be composted at home and biodegraded in 90 days! It is the best zero waste solution after bulk for spices and condiments: the packaging is 100% biosourced from FSC wood cellulose. It can be used in single-dose freshness sachets, or decanted into one of the adapted containers offered in the cabinet. A repositionable paper label is affixed to it. The label is then stuck back on: handy for having the DDM, the ingredients and the name of the spice at hand! The production channels are established in the long term, in a process of continuous improvement of operating conditions and fair remuneration. The CELLOCOMPOST solution is the winner of the innovafood 2021 competition, in the naturalness and sustainable development.
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Sirha Green Awards

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