Dates syrup

Dates syrup



Date syrup: a delicious, natural and organic alternative to refined sugar! A true nutritional treasure, it is one of the few sweetening products to be a source of fibers. Not to mention the other minerals it brings (potassium, copper ...). A delicious syrup, with a discreet taste of dates and slightly caramelized notes that will go perfectly in sweet and salty! To replace sugar in pastry or cooking, to caramelize vegetables (carrots, Brussels sprouts, turnips...), in a vinaigrette or a marinade of meat or fish, to bring a sweet touch to pancakes, yogurts, ice cream ... Soluble, it also allows to sweeten iced teas and other drinks. Made from our Deglet Nour dates from Tunisia, we have worked with our producers to use and give a new life to dates that are not 'beautiful' enough to be sold as they are, either because they are too big / small, have a shape or texture that does not fit into the standards. We thus avoid food waste and multiply the outlets for our producers!
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