

L'excellence du grain au pain!

Que vous soyez Boulanger, Paysan Boulanger, Artisan Boulanger, Pizzaïolo, Biscuitier, Pastier, Minotier, Meunier, nous avons développé pour vous un moulin à meule de pierre Astrié, adapté à vos besoins pour moudre une farine d'exception, reflet de toute la qualité de votre travail!

Astréïa started building Astrié's stone mills in 2014. The Astréïa mill is an electric flour mill which allow you to obtain a very high quality flour, in the most effective way. The quality and finesse of the grind is our strength. In a single milling pass you will obtain an extraction rate of 80% and a non-heated nor oxidised flour. With the Astréïa Mill, you will efficiently acquire a fine, nutritious and genuine flour giving the best results that your wheat or grain has to offer. A truly local product.
  • Activities
    • Equipment, appliances and supplies specific to production units
      • Flour milling
      • Equipment, appliances and supplies specific to bakeries
        • Development kitchen units
        • Equipment, facilities, appliances and supplies specific for shops
          • Display accessories
          • Raw materials, intermediate food products for baking and pastry
            • Flours
          • Visit routes
            • Sirha Green (eco-responsible)
            • Export countries
              • EUROPE
                • North Europe
                  • UNITED KINGDOM
                  • Western Europe
                    • NETHERLANDS
                  • NORTH AMERICA
                    • UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


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