CashMag 5R

CashMag 5R



The 5R is THE cash recycler which offers rear access. This system saves you precious time. No need to go around your counter to operate it. Besides being faster, rear access to the cash recycler guarantees better security, all cash operations happen behind your sales area. This way, your cash proceeds are to your eyes only. Preserve your store’s design and secure it : The 5R is made of two high capacity modules designed to completely fit in. This way, you preserve the aesthetic and style of your store as well as your sales area’s. Firmly mounted onto your counter, it secures and protects your staff from robberies and break-in attempts Makes cash management easier : Your staff no longer need to prepare cash funds or even count. No more stress nor change back mistakes during cashing. No more counterfeit money, your cash recycler detects counterfeit notes and coins. You automate cash management and focus and making your business successful.

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