Create and prepare for the opening of a traditional pastry department

Create and prepare for the opening of a traditional pastry department



The “Create and prepare for the opening of a traditional pastry department” training will allow you to successfully open an assisted sales department specializing in traditional pastries. You will study the equipment investments necessary to start your business. You will learn to identify and stand out from the competition by offering unique and attractive products. Knowing and meeting customer expectations will be at the heart of your training to guarantee their commitment and loyalty. You will define the ranges, assortments and specialties to offer a complete and relevant offer. The layout of the department will be carried out according to precise criteria to optimize the layout and promote the customer purchasing experience. The department's strategy and commercial dynamics will be studied to stimulate sales and develop turnover. You will learn to ensure hygiene, cleanliness, regulation and traceability of products to guarantee their quality and customer confidence. Sales prices and margin will be analyzed to ensure the profitability of the department. You will develop the skills of your sales team and improve customer relations to strengthen customer satisfaction and build loyalty. You will set ambitious commercial objectives to achieve success in your traditional pastry department and enhance the image of the fresh sector and the store.
ADÉLICE Formation

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