Formation "techniques de vente"

Formation "techniques de vente"



In the lively setting of our "gourmet theater," led by our instructor, this MIX training will energize your team and boost your sales! Each employee will undergo an online training on the fundamentals of sales, complemented by hands-on practice and role-playing in your store. Explore an innovative pedagogical approach that skillfully combines the flexibility of online training with the practical experience of in-person learning. Dive into the basics from a distance in an engaging and efficient manner, with sequences lasting a maximum of 15 minutes, featuring videos and quizzes that earned the Bakery Nuggets Prize in 2020. Apply your knowledge in your store, guided by an expert instructor through practical scenarios. At the end of the training, receive a detailed guide on sales techniques tailored to your products. Additionally, consider the possibility of financing the training through support from your OPCO, subject to a dossier review.
Baguette Academy

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