Grated Cheese

Grated Cheese



Royal A-ware produces custom grated cheeses: long or short, in different diameters and shapes, a single type of cheese or a blend. Thanks to our selection of grating dimensions and cheese types and our mastery of the entire chain, Royal A-ware can create an extensive range of products: from coarse to fine grating, long to short strings, cubes, flakes and strips. Royal A-ware also offers grated cheese blends tailored to specific applications, for optimal workability, composition, flavour and melting behaviour. Options for freshly grated cheese: Freshly grated cheese is available in a single type of cheese, such as premium Gouda, Edam, Mozzarella, Emmental, Maasdam, Goya, Cheddar or goat, or special cheese blends. For special applications, we can develop recipes that are vegetarian, vegan, Clean label, low-fat, high-fat, lactose-free, coloured cheese, cheese mixed with herbs, etc. Quality marks and certificates: IFS, BRC, Halal, BIO, GCQC.
A-ware Cheese Solutions

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